Ask HN: Google spam filter getting worse?
Google probably lets some amount of known-spam emails through for data gathering. See this quote from Google’s “Rules of Machine Learning” [1] (A great resource by the way)
> Rule #34: In binary classification for filtering (such as spam detection or determining interesting emails), make small short-term sacrifices in performance for very clean data. > In a filtering task, examples which are marked as negative are not shown to the user. Suppose you have a filter that blocks 75% of the negative examples at serving. You might be tempted to draw additional training data from the instances shown to users. For example, if a user marks an email as spam that your filter let through, you might want to learn from that. > But this approach introduces sampling bias. You can gather cleaner data if instead during serving you label 1% of all traffic as “held out”, and send all held out examples to the user. Now your filter is blocking at least 74% of the negative examples. These held out examples can become your training data. > Note that if your filter is blocking 95% of the negative examples or more, this approach becomes less viable. Even so, if you wish to measure serving performance, you can make an even tinier sample (say 0.1% or 0.001%). Ten thousand examples is enough to estimate performance quite accurately. [1]… |
Yeah, it’s been happening to me for about a year now. I went as far as to make another email just to avoid it. Made me sad. I had that email address since 2008 or so.
There has definitely been some more getting through the filters the past few weeks for me. Maybe January is a special month for spam or something.
Anecdotally all the spam I get is exactly the type of spam I got 20 years ago on the same email address. I don’t think it’s chatgpt but either a loosening of filters or something else.
I’ve had email messages from Google about Google products for which I have an active account using my Google email address get marked as spam by Google spam filters.
I get 10-20 a day.
Lately it’s been Google classroom invitations from sex bots. Along with the random crap that doesn’t make any sense, and the McAfee/Yeti Cooler junk. |
I absolutely had this issue most of last year, but the Gmail spam filter seems to be catching things more effectively for me in the last two months.