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Ask HN: Math books that made you considerably higher at math?

Ask HN: Math books that made you considerably higher at math?

2023-01-19 07:01:37

* The Art of Probability by Hamming. An opinionated, slightly quirky text on probability. Unlike the text used in my university course its explanations were clear and rigourous without being pedantic. The exercises were both interesting and enlightening. The only book in this list that taught skills I’ve actually used in the real world.

* Calculus by Spivak. This was used in my intro calculus course in university. It’s very much a bottom-up, first-principles construction of calculus. Very proof-based, so you have to be into that. Tons of exercises, including some that sneakily introduce pretty advanced concepts not explicitly covered in the main text. This book, along with the course, rearranged by brain. Not sure how useful it would be for self-study though.

* Measurement by Lockhart. I haven’t read the whole thing, but have enjoyed working through some of the exercises. A good book for really grokking geometric proofs and understanding “mathematical beauty”, rather than just cranking through algebraic proofs step by step.

* Naive Set Theory by Halmos. Somewhat spare, but a nice, concise introduction to axiomatic set theory. Brings you from nothing up to the Continuum Hypothesis. I read this somewhere around my first year in university and it was another brain-rearranger.

The classical stuff is great:

* Geometry and the imagination by Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen

* Methods of mathematical physics by Courant and Hilbert

* A comprehensive introduction to differential geometry by Spivak (and its little brothers Calculus and Calculus on manifolds)

* Fourier Analysis by Körner

* Arnold’s books on ODE, PDE and mathematical physics are breathtakingly beautiful.

* The shape of space by Weeks

* Solid Shape by Koenderink

* Analyse fonctionnelle by Brézis

* Tristan Needhams “visual” books about complex analysis and differential forms

* Information theory, inference, and learning algorithms by MacKay (great book about probability, plus you can download the .tex source and read the funny comments of the author)

And finally, a very old website which is full of mathematical jewels with an incredibly fresh and clear treatment: …I am in love with the tone of those articles, severe and playful on the identical time.

I’ve had this idea of starting back at basics and relearning math from the beginning since I never “really” learned it besides memorizing and skirting my way through it in school.

Do you know a good path or book that’s suitable for that?

I bought and read it (more like, skimmed) and liked it a lot too.

Gives a bird’s eye view of math very nicely. Even from a skimming it was very useful to help me understand the gaps I have, and the shape of those gaps, and partially filling them.

I had the same idea.

I bought myself a Remarkable 2 and signed up to Khan Academy. Now I’m revising algebra basics and I plan to go as advanced as Khan Academy lets me.

I was really bad at maths in school (UK A Levels). But I’m a successful software developer today. I felt like knowing more advanced maths could make me a better developer and not feel intimidated by a lot of the things I see.

I’m actually enjoying it as well. Maths isn’t just something I have to do to get out of school, now it’s something I want to do. And it gives me the same satisfaction as solving puzzles like sudoku.

I’d recommend it to anyone. The Remarkable 2 is actually really nice to write on too, since I want to store my notes digitally. And I make so many mistakes when writing, so undo is great.

Thinking of doing the same thing. The last math class I had was at 16, and the most advanced classes was on binary, so not very complex stuff.
I’ve mostly been winging it for another 16 years and seemingly picked up things here and there. But math is definitely been trial and error, and I definitely do not know the lingo in math, which I’m now starting to feel is a big disadvantage.

also: the remarkable 2 is great, we have one, but the screen broke and the refurbished replacement arrived with a screen that’s not functioning correctly at all, making it a unusable device. Good reminder to reach out to them again.


I hate the clutter of paper and how hard to organise it is for me. Plus, how messy I am writing on paper and crossing things out all the time.

The Remarkable, at least for me, is good because I can organise my notebooks into folders by certain math lessons or concepts. And I can undo any mistakes, so my notes are clean. Even if I am quickly working something out I am clean it up and make it a good note for future me. The feel of writing on it is much nicer as well versus my laptop’s pen or my iPad’s pen.

Also, I like that it basically just does notes. There’s no Android bullshit, it’s just no nonsense note taking. Some competitor tablets have Android and all that baggage.

It can OCR you writing, but I don’t know how good that would be for math.

The Remarkable isn’t the only tablet that can do this, but it’s the one I bought because I like the style and the simplicity of the software.

I have a remarkable 2 and a Microsoft Surface Pro, intended to de-clutter math coursework. Both work, but I found that the real estate on the remarkable was too limited, even though its a great device, so I tried the Surface Pro. I can fit just about any sized work onto it, and you can endlessly scroll down which was something I couldn’t figure out on the remarkable. It makes doing math easy or at least takes away some housekeeping which I find really distracting. And saving and organizing work and being able to import and export files is a bonus.

Norman Wildberger’s YouTube channels are the most thorough I’ve seen ( and ).

There are lots of of movies, organised in playlists, from undergraduate lectures ( ) and analysis seminars ( ) all the way in which to primary fundamentals like how to consider counting (e.g.… )

The explanation I discover them fascinating is that Wildberger would not agree with a number of the typical approaches, particularly with using infinity and taking limits. This leads him down attention-grabbing paths (e.g. Rational Trigonometry and Algebraic Calculus), which (a) present the course of of arithmetic (exploring, making definitions, increase in numerous instructions, and so on.), while (b) remaining principally grounded and approachable (e.g. no appeals to inscrutable lemmas from summary analysis areas).

For instance, he is lately been making movies about “multisets” (laptop scientists would name them Luggage), their arithmetic (the place “including” is union, and “multiplying” is pairwise/cartesian product of the weather), and the way this generalises: from an algebra containing solely empty baggage (trivial, however self-consistent; behaves like zero), to baggage of zeros (behaves like pure quantity arithmetic), to baggage of pure numbers (behaves like polynomial arithmetic), to baggage of polynomials (behaves like polynomials in arbitrarily-many variables)

I had a similar thought back in 2014. I had only studied the maths required for various engineering courses I’d taken.

So, I decided I wanted to study maths for the maths.
I was in the fortunate position of being able to self fund myself through the Open University (uk based) Maths and Statistics BSc.
One module at a time I’m now on my last module.
There many things I’d studied before (calculus, sequences) and many new to me (group theory, graph theory)

I did this same exact thing back in 2010. I used khan academy for it. Started with positive and negative numbers, arithmetic, through trig and algebra.

I like khan academy back in 2010 because all the videos were in one place and you could see everything right there in front of you

3Blue1Brown videos seem like a good resource to use along any book. My experience as a math major (in the distant past) is that the kind of visualization the author shows you is also something you want to imitate in your head when you are learning new concepts. I find things I learned in this level tended to stick in my head 10+ years later, other stuff less.

I should mention focusing on doing a few interesting problems, rather than many not so interesting ones, is also one way to help yourself understand more deeply.

Lots of easy problems is a good way to build up muscle memory, though. IMO the brute-force method of, say, Saxon Math really makes sense for things like basic elementary school algebra and probably intro calculus, where the student is sort of learning the math equivalent of how to walk. Not sure where the switch over ought to be, though.

we tried “Saxon math”, Singapore math dimensions, and Beast Academy.

And my impression was that Saxon Math was the worst.
What I mean by worst is that it just make you practice an algorithm by doing lot of repetition but doesn’t force you to have a deep understanding or problem solving skill.

Saxon math worked out for me, although we didn’t shop around as far as I remember, so maybe Singapore would have worked fine as well.

My experience is that I didn’t really feel like I was memorizing an algorithm. Because the problem set includes assignments from all of the old sets, it is hard to memorize all of the algorithms. So you instead memorize the different moves that are allowed and have a general idea of what types of moves might be useful.

I dunno. I went on to do engineery stuff as an undergrad rather than pure math stuff, it seems like a good match because engineering problems are also often in the “no need to be super clever, just don’t mess up” vein, so it could be just a lucky match.

I think anything that results in

1) actually reading some textbook

2) actually working through any type of problem for a couple hours a week

will compare well to the typical US math education pretty well anyway.

I’ve been doing a similar thing with Brilliant and really enjoying it. It feels like every course is orientated around teaching maths from a problem solving perspective so you actually get why you’re learning stuff rather than teachers just trying to brute force things into your head which unfortunately seems to be the default at schools nowadays.

I’m doing this and am starting with Linear Algebra on MIT OCW (taught by Gilbert Strang). My current plan is to relearn Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability, and Statistics and actually focus on retaining the knowledge in my memory using something like SRS learning. I think planning past that is pointless since by the time I’m done I will have a better ability to plan my future coursework.

Do you know a good path or book that’s suitable for that?

I’ve been using Professor Leonard’s Youtube video series[1] mostly, along with some of those “workbook” type books by Chris McMullen, and a variety of books with titles like “1001 solved problems in $SUBJECT”, “The Humongous Book of $SUBJECT problems”, and the like. The nice thing about Professor Leonard is that he has videos on everything starting from pre-algebra, middle-school math, up through Differential Equations. Note that his diff-eq class isn’t quite complete but he just announced he’s about to start recording new videos to finish that, and he’s also going to be starting a Linear Algebra sequence. And he’s a great lecturer who does a really good job of explaining things and making them understandable.

I also use Khan Academy sometimes, and stuff on Youtube from The Math Sorcerer[2]. Oh, and of course there is 3blue1brown[3], whose videos are also useful. And for Linear Algebra I’ve been using Gilbert Strang’s OCW videos[4] on Youtube.

FWIW, I’ve evolved the way I study math, and what I do now works for me, even though it’s 100% not the way you’d ordinarily see suggested. That is, I watch math videos fairly passively and don’t work problems at the same time and treat it like being in a class per-se. I used to do the thing of treating it like a class, pausing the video to work examples, and what-not, and that does work. But it’s very slow and tedious.

Now, I just watch the videos, acknowledging that I won’t absorb everything and that I also need to work problems for long-term retention. So now what I do is watch passively to a certain point (which I determine fairly subjectively) then I stop with the videos for a while, pick up a textbook or one of those “workbook” type books I mentioned earlier, and work problems for a while. Then I review the parts that I find myself struggling with. I’m also just now starting to add “creating Anki cards” as something I do during that second pass.

Once I start getting a decent Anki deck built up, I’ll be reviewing that regularly as well to help build retention. I only create cards for things that seem amenable to rote memorization, and TBH, I’m still working on figuring out what things are best to include, and how to structure those cards. What I don’t intend to do is include specific problems where all I’d be doing is memorizing the answer to a problem. So far it’s just formulas and things are are very obvious candidates to be memorized, and “algorithm” things like the “chain rule” from calculus, and similar.





Out of this list, the books I am familiar with, are great (Hilbert-Courant, Spivak, Korner’s books). At the same time, even with extensive mathematical training, I haven’t read them from start to finish. I wouldn’t even like to say “read”. For someone who’s not used to mathematical reading, some of these books require careful study. That means generating examples to understand results (theorems), trying your own conjectures, proving things yourself etc. Over time, one becomes familiar with most/all the material in a book but the knowledge might have been acquired through various books (and courses) over time.

Also, mathematics is a massive field. The first question would be what kinds of mathematics would you like to get better at. There are great books in analysis. If you are starting out with a solid calculus knowledge, try Abbott’s Understanding Analysis [1] or Duren’s Invitation to Classical Analysis [2]. For asymptotic methods in PDEs, try Bender and Orszag [3] which is a wonderful book. But again, this might not be your cup of tea at all and there are more abstract or formal books like Rudin’s.

If you want to approach fields without a lot of machinery, graph theory books by Bollobas are great (but difficult). See his Modern Graph Theory book [4] as an example.

For linear algebra, one of my favorites (but it was after I already learned the subject) is Trefethen’s Numerical Linear Algebra book [5]. Another beautiful topic is at the intersection of linear algebra and combinatorics. See Babai and Frankl’s lectures freely available online.

Then there are wonderful topics in geometry. A massive mountain to climb would be algebraic geometry. For one starting point, see [6]. Differential geometry (Spivak’s multi-volume work or Needham’s differential forms book) is another wonderful area. I would recommend Crane’s discrete differential geometry course at Carnegie Mellon [7] if you want a concrete introduction.

You might want to demystify a topic you have heard about. E.g. Galois theory and the unsolvability of quintic equations. You could look at [8] which guides your way through wonderful problems.

We haven’t even touched huge swathes of mathematics including anything topological or number theory. Even within the topics mentioned above, once you start, your journey will take a life of its own and you’ll encounter multiple books and papers opening up new sub-fields.

The only approach that worked well for me in the past was to get completely consumed by what one topic one was studying. This meant not getting distracted by multiple topics. Once one enters the workforce, this is very hard (or at least has been for me). Without knowing someone, it’s hard to recommend anything but the advantage with topics like graph theory and combinatorics is that one needs less machinery (as opposed to something like algebraic geometry). These fields lead you to interesting problems very rapidly and one can wrestle with them part-time.









This is a bit of an odd suggestion, but I learned the basics of category theory from the appendix to Weibel’s “An Introduction to Homological Algebra”.

I’m not sure why, but I think the fact that it’s an appendix meant the author had no motivation to inflate the content unnecessarily. So it’s more like a pamphlet; only about 30 pages IIRC, and it’s really just the bare-bones definitions and facts. The full-on textbooks dedicated to category theory have way too much superfluous content IMO, unless your aim is to be a researcher in that field specifically.

This happens a lot! For example, at the appendix of an advanced book on PDE (e.g. Evans’) you find a three-page summary of main definitions and results in integration theory and L^p spaces. Or at the appendix of a book on differential geometry (e.g. do Carmo’s) you find a succinct compendium of elementary differential calculus, explained in the most efficient way. These kind of condensed summaries, or fascicules the résultats, are rarely found on books that deal with the subject matter directly.

Counter-intuitively, reading Tim Ferris and his DSSS approach made me much better at math

Deconstruct: Break down the math you want to know into big problems and concepts. Pick a math-related goal that is Measurable and Time-Bound

Selection: What the 20% of math concepts, that if made really strong, would solve 80% of math problems

Sequencing: What order of material should you study for maximal progress

Stakes: Find some incentive to complete the problem. Some nice view of mathematical terrain, as part of a masters program, applications to another field, a prize, a cookie. Anything that motivates you to actually make progress towards the goal

This approach helped me learn a bunch of high level math like abstract algebra, analysis, linear algebra, etc.

Some that stand out

“Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science” by Knuth, Graham, and Patashnik – solid foundation in mathematical concepts and techniques, and it helped me develop a deeper understanding of mathematical notation and problem-solving.

“Introduction to the Theory of Computation” by Michael Sipser – introduced me to the theoretical foundations of computer science, and it helped me develop a strong understanding of formal languages, automata, and complexity theory.

“A Course in Combinatorics” by J.H. van Lint and Wilson – provided a comprehensive introduction to combinatorics, and it helped me develop a strong understanding of combinatorial techniques and their applications.

“The Art of Problem Solving” by Richard Rusczyk – This book is a comprehensive guide to problem-solving, with a focus on mathematical problem-solving strategies. It helped me develop my problem-solving skills and learn how to think critically about mathematical problems.

“Mathematical Notation: A Guide for Engineers and Scientists”[0] really changed my abilities with being able to read papers and decipher what was going on. I had university math experience but it was a long time ago. When I started reading papers for algorithms later in my career I couldn’t get past the notation. Once the symbols are explained, as a programmer, I was able to grok so much more. This should be on everyone’s shelf.


As a programmer I really wish math notation was more rigorous: less ambiguity, more explicit typing, no implicit variables, etc. So much of it would never pass code review. We programmers figured out that code should be optimized for readability, not writtability ; I wish mathematicians did too.

Mathematics only clicked and became fun for me when I started using Wolfram Mathematica, because I could fairly easily mess around with the formulas I saw in books until I understood the types and arguments and what is an index vs a reference to some unnamed convention of the field.

Totally agree! I remember raising my eyebrow at ambiguities in math notation as early as high school, before I could articulate them as such. One specific example is the convention of cos^-1(x) referring to the inverse cosine of x, instead of the multiplicative inverse of cos(x). Similarly, the convention of cos^2(x) referring to the square of cos(x) instead of a nested cos(cos(x)). It’s madness, and totally avoidable.

It can be made to be. Dijkstra came up with a nice and rigorous notation he used for his own proofs[1]. That page also includes some slightly spicy takes on why things are as they are. I agree that this is an area where the broader mathematical field has much to learn from computing science. The unforgiving nature of computing automata really drove that innovation. Meanwhile one can afford to be sloppy when one is trying to convince some other mathematician with a sky high IQ.


I find one of the biggest mistakes programmers have about mathematical notation is that it’s somehow just a terse, badly implemented programming language. But this is a very poor understanding of what mathematical notation is doing.

I think this error in thinking comes from the fact that Sigma notation can often be trivially implemented as a for loop.

Programming languages are designed to describe a specific computation, whereas mathematical notation is typically trying to describe an idea (one that might not even have a implementation!) Notation only sometimes and coincidentally describes computation as well.

The ambiguity, implied variables etc are an essential part of mathematical notation in the same way it is in common spoken language. Mathematical notation exists to help abstract and work out very hairy ideas, and often that ambiguity is necessary to show connections.

> code should be optimized for readability, not writtability

Mathematical notation is readable if you’re literate in it. It takes lots of practice to become fluent in it, but once you become more familiar it’s much easier to read than text (which is why it’s used in the first place). Mathematical notation is an extension of mathematical writing, not computational implementation.

Reading mathematical notation is much closer to reading poetry than reading code.

Couldn’t agree more. Mathematician are masters at whipping up random notations and then not adhering to it rigorously. Higher level math would be an order of magnitude easier with machine checked syntax.

Plus one for this!
I bought two copies of the referenced book…and for the exact same reasons; I’m a programmer and being able to explain my algorithms using mathematical notation helps validate a program as well as troubleshoot a program…
An oldie but goodie is “Mathematics for the million”

Wow, I wish I had known about this book (and had a license to Mathematica) when I was in college. I always got hung up on the notation and my inability to visualize the concept.

To add one more thing: the “thing” that has helped me most lately isn’t a specific book or video or anything, but rather simply committing to spending 1 hour every day on math. I even set up a Google Calendar task to remind me of this every. single. day.

And so far this year I haven’t missed a day yet. Now what constitutes that hour can vary. It can be watching math videos, it can be solving problems on paper, and I might even let myself count futzing around with numerical computing stuff or something at some point. In practice so far it’s basically always either watching videos, reading books, or doing exercises (from books).

I won’t claim that everybody must do this, or that you need to commit 1 hour every day. Maybe 30 minutes would be fine. Or maybe some people who can spare the time would be well served to commit 2 hours a day. Who knows? But having some kind of routine strikes me as something that most people would probably find valuable.

This is different from the other answers, but it does answer your question: When I was a kid I had tons of math and logic puzzle books. Two I remember specifically are “Aha! Insight” and “Aha! Gotcha” by Martin Gardner. Decades later, when a math problem comes up in my work, I have an apparently unusual ability to cut to the heart of it (“by symmetry, we must have X” or “looking at this extreme case, we must have Y” or “this looks like a special case of Z” sort of things) instead of starting by soldiering through equations, and I credit a lot of that to all the puzzle-solving I did as a kid.

I would not call myself great at math – I struggled with it in school, in fact – but in recent years I’ve begun “correcting” my lack of mathematical knowledge. The single best decision I’ve made is to first start with the philosophy of mathematics. Maybe it’s because my background is in philosophy, but I also think that for certain people like myself, understanding what math is makes me far more interested in understanding how it works, rather than just doing context-less calculations using formulas I don’t know the history or deeper purpose of. When I learned math in school, it was entirely cut off from any of these deeper questions.

Here’s a good starting point for philosophy of mathematics

Reading Euclid’s Elements and Newton’s Principia really helped me get an intuitive feel for geometry and calculus. They may not be entirely easy (at least the second) without some commentary, but well worth the study.

While it’s laudable that you sought those texts and profited from them, I worry about what others might take away from this. When I was young I knew some geniuses who highly spoke of Principia and how it gave them great insights. And the teenager me said, okay cool, I’ll have a go!

The problem is that it’s in Latin and quite impenetrable.

We have some geniuses here and they would no doubt be able to take away a lot from these texts, but for you normals out there: don’t optimize too much, you’re quite alright in taking the normal approach of just taking a class at a community college, doing the exercises the teacher assigns, etc.

It might make sense to read a translation in a language you understand. Many of the books that are considered classics are specifically because they ARE accessible. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they are easy, but there is a big difference between reading Euclid and learning how to create mathematical proofs, and taking a class focused on calculating the area of various shapes or determine angles.

I haven’t read Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (the English title) but I have read Euclid and it definitely doesn’t require a genius to understand. here is an online edition with great illustrations:

From what I’ve heard, Euclid is fairly accessible and was for centuries the standard geometry textbook for children; the Principia is incredibly daunting, and Newton even admitted that he made it extra confusing on purpose to deter readers who weren’t already experts.

I’ve been flirting with the idea of working through all of Leonard Euler’s publications (as a life goal). Many of them are still not translated from Latin, so there’s a possibility I may have to learn it.

Anyone knows how long it would take to learn enough latin to undertake such a task?

If you’re trying to understand a domain work (such as Euler’s) you could probably get a working knowledge in a month of strong study, a year of off-and-on.

I bet you could start this week if you used machine translations as a crutch.

I’d start working with a publication that exists in Latin and a good translation, so you can compare your work.

Thank you! Sounds much less intimidating.

My fear with machine translations is that subtle errors here and there might throw me off in something like math where things are precisely stated.

A year of part time study sounds doable though

That’s the advantage of it being a particular mathematic domain, you’ll learn the terms relatively quickly and be able to catch errors in the math parts; the prose is where you will need the machine.

In fact, you’ll find that many philosophers will just use the Latin words directly, and not bother translating them – Latin qua jargon if you will.

Once you’ve learned the various forms of “is” (sum, very irregular) you can kinda survive reading without conjugations, just like this sentence can be worked out:

he to go to store and to buy cheese yesterday

I didn’t read Euclid in Greek or Newton in Latin; there are quite good translations available – even free!

In general I find that if someone is insisting that you study the philosophy of someone in their original language, they don’t have a good enough translation yet.

This is sort of like recommending the art of computer programming as a way to learn how to code, isn’t it? Starting very far down the stack if you’re working through a 2000 year old book in Ancient Greek!

Elements was a school textbook for 2000 years, up until ~100 years ago. It’s a fine book to use for self-study.

Edit: Also, to state the obvious, it’s been translated into English

History of mathematics as well, it will give you a very subtle entry into the minds of mathematicians and the motivation behind their theorems.

This will surely make you more appreciative of subjects and concepts you are learning.

In that vein I highly recommend Foundations and Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics by Howard Eves. I think it might be a little dated, but it gives an amazing overview of the most important developments in mathematics that were relevant at the time. It’s less focused on practice (though there are some problems) and more on the history and motivation behind the ideas. This book introduced me to axiomatics, non-Euclidean geometry, quaternions, and abstract algebra in my senior year of high-school.

In my experience, the best way to get better at math is to do a lot of it. Find some book that’s “good enough” for some topic you’re interested, and work many many problems from the book. You’ll learn about the topic, but more importantly you’ll learn problem solving skills. I recommend working the problem until you’re sure the answer is right — in grad school problem sets didn’t have answers you could check, and full understanding was necessary to get the problem sets correct.

For me, a watershed book was Introduction to Analysis by Rosenlicht [1]. Proof-based, very “mathy”, small and compact (so to speak) but with a massive scope. A great introduction to a really important topic, and it’ll put your brain through its paces.

Again, I recommend working nearly every problem.


The best resource I’ve found is this random, somewhat obscure website (though I’ve learned that it has grown in popularity) called Paul’s Online Notes. The professor has a real knack of pedagogy, and the problems are perfectly structured in terms of their difficulty. His explanations are clear and without jargon, and it goes from algebra to diff eq.

A note: this isn’t a resource for higher-level, proof based maths. It will give you a solid foundation and a pragmatic understanding to build upon. Very useful for STEM.


Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler for the following reasons:

– I was revisiting a topic in greater depth, which is a common theme in university-level math courses.

– It is a rigorous book, written in the style of definition, proposition, theorem, etc.

– It was the first math book where the exercises don’t just reinforce what you learned in the chapter, but teach you new material (another common theme in advanced math textbooks).

– Linear Algebra is arguably the most important math subject these days.

I have to second this. It’s very well written and presents a clear view of what Linear Algebra is. Although it might be best used as a second book in Linear Algebra (depending on your preparation).

I don’t think there is any book I’ve read as an adult that was particularly special. If I wasn’t already good at math, I wouldn’t be reading these books in the first place. Not that there weren’t good and helpful books, but I wouldn’t say any of them were revolutionary to me.

But I’d like to mention two books I read as a child which had a life-altering effect. They probably wouldn’t do any good for an adult, but might really help your kids… Unfortunately, I don’t remember the specific titles or authors (I was probably around 10 yrs old). The first was similar to this book:

“Speed Math for Kids: The Fast, Fun Way To Do Basic Calculations.” This gave all sorts of advice and tips to quickly do math in your head… simple things, mostly. For example, to multiply by 18 just double, multiply by 10, and subtract 10%; or how it’s frequently faster to multiply numbers by moving from most significant digits to least, which is opposite of how we’re taught; or how to quickly estimate square roots. This really didn’t teach new concepts, but by making routine and tiresome math operations faster and easier, it made the entire field more enjoyable to engage with.

The second book was a guide to slide rulers, and I couldn’t even find a similar book on Amazon. But learning advanced slide ruler techniques can trigger an epiphany; you learn mathematical relationships, how you can transform how numbers are represented. It was the first time I really saw an elegant structure behind the math.

Not a direct answer, but I once read that the best book about a technical topic is the third book you read on it. Often you’ll see things in comments sections like: “I have heard this explained so many times by others, but this explanation finally clicked!”. The assumption is that that’s the case because the explanation is better, rather than assuming it’s the case because you’ve struggled with the material before and you’re still going at it.

I wonder how good you can get at maths just by casually reading books. You need to work on problems for hours and hours to get a grasp on the theories. Programming is different in the sense that it’s something people routinely do as a hobby because it’s quite fun and addictive. But maths? maybe if you have already strong foundations you can pick up a new topic and develop your culture. But I doubt one can get these foundations without actually graduating in maths as it’s an extremely strong commitment.

I second this strongly, you can’t get better at math just by reading books. You need to hone your problem solving skills, you need to fight with the problems, have the mindset of a warrior, a conqueror, only then you’ll get the juice out of it and have a clear understanding of the subject. I’ll suggest starting with Concrete Mathematics by Donald Knuth, it’s a beautiful book that catches the essence of mathematics.

Art of problem solving(…) can also be a fantastic begin, particularly should you don’t have a lot expertise.

I wonder how good you can get at maths just by casually reading books. You need to work on problems for hours and hours to get a grasp on the theories.

Maybe I’m unique in this regard, but I always took it as sort of implied that “reading a math book” entails “reading the book and working (at least some of) the exercises”.

The tricky part is once you get to math where you can’t trivially check your answer by “substituting back in” or “using a calculator” or whatever. Doing proofs, for example. Without a teacher, how do you know if your proof is correct? So far the only thing I’ve really found to do for that is to post on MathOverflow or one of the “learn math” related sub-reddits. I’ve often wondered if learning to use an automated theorem prover / proof assistant of some sort would be helpful, but that’s such a huge undertaking in its own right…

I don’t think you can get good at doing calculations without practicing the calculations, but reading books that discuss the higher-level aspects of math and the philosophical underpinnings can help you look at it in a different way that may inspire more interest as well as an easier time grasping the difficult parts.

Lot’s of good books already here!
In the same spirit as Polya’s book “Thinking mathematically” by J.
Mason, L. Burton and K. Stacey
I learned a lot in the early days with Demidovich book on 5000 problems on mathematical analysis.
Tom Apostol books on calculus, but for me his book on analytical number theory. Alongside alan baker’s thin book on number theory.
Gilbert Strang book(s) on linear algebra.
Rudin book on functional analysis.
Oh Hardy’s book on divergent series!
Ian Steward books on transcendental numbers and Galois theory.
Elements of algebraic topology by Munkres is a fantastic book.
So many books are invaluable to me in teaching not only math but mathematical thinking.

I guess if you want to learn thinking but not necessarily math “thinking mathematically” above mentioned is your friend.

No specific book, but generic advise about how to use a math book. Homework, homework, homework. Read the whole thing, but focus on the exercises. Do every exercise as soon as you can manage: don’t wait until you’ve read the whole chapter — once you get confused and stumped, the lesson of the chapter becomes urgent and I find that sharpens my attention.

I would add understanding the reasons for definitions, how they fit together with theorems, lemmas, corollaries, proofs, and some basics of the format of proofs. You can find good explanations through Google.

For more applied or computational branches of math, I’d also add how to check your answers by using numerical methods or a computer algebra system if possible.

K A Stroud Engineering Mathematics is probably the book that helped me most.
31 chapters each composed of about 60 problems. The problems are progressive and contain explanations of the new concepts that they contain.
All the answers are at the back.

I used this book and the sister book “advanced engineering mathematics” for my bachelors and masters degree in mechanical engineering.

It is probably the best pair of books ever written for what I like to call “plug and chug” maths. Strouds books cover the whole of engineering mathematics.

I turned to them for calculus in first year, and for Fourier and Laplace in my final year and masters.

But it will not teach you how to solve and develop proofs.

Statistics by Freedman, Pisani and Purves. Don’t know if I got better but loved the real world examples and cartoons. Does not have too many pre-requisites. Each section presents a tiny concept which is followed by plenty of exercises that have answers at the end. The furthest I got in a book in recent days, Math or not.

I taught from this book (it wasn’t my choice, it was the standard book where I was teaching). It’s really good for intuition, but because it doesn’t use standard notation I think it might have done a disservice to students who were going to go on to learn more.

My pandemic project in 2020 was to finally read through the used copy I bought a decade ago. I agree it was really useful at building foundational intuitions. And that it doesn’t use professional jargon which sometimes makes Stats Wikipedia’s “death by integrals” approach a dense barrier to entry.

For example, the book uses “the box model” all over the book but is not used anywhere else, and every else uses the phrase “i.i.d” which is not used in the book.

Still, it’s been really useful at my job in reasoning about timeseries data from Prometheus, especially in canary analysis. Far more useful than the whirlwind tour of distributions my 1 semester “Statistics for Engineers” course in college undertook.

I have not yet become significantly better, and not a math book, but I recently read A mathematicians Lament by Paul Lockhart and it resonated so much with me that I plan to take another stab at math different from how it is taught in school.

Waiting to get my hands on his book ‘Measurement’ and approach it more like art.

If what he says is true, perhaps many who would have turned out great at math are locked out by how it’s taught in school.

For now, I have a test subject of one 🙂

Velleman’s How to Prove It greatly helped my ability to construct set theoretic proofs, which better prepared me for Spivak’s calculus and Baby Rudin. Hamkins’ Proof and the Art of Mathematics is designed as a a good, less set-theory heavy, introduction to proof writing that leads more naturally to analysis. OpenStax books are FREE.

Surprised to see Velleman’s book so far down. It taught me that proofs are fun and do not in general require clever tricks. As a bonus, it provided plenty of practice with foundational objects such as sets, relations and functions. All this made me much better at doing mathematics and prepared to texts in real analysis, CS, algebra.

I have been going through Velleman, and it has been significantly helping me understand various CS papers and books, for example, I struggled understanding through proof outlines in PFPL, but working through just part of this book has helped.

I have had life things interfere with my learning now for the past month or so, but I hope to get back to it soon.

Rudin’s Principles of Mathematical Analysis has a really special place in my heart. Chapter 3 is great- it’s a great reference for derivations of a lot of fundamental identities about limits used in undergrad calculus.

Chapter 4 is a great place to learn about topology for the first time.

In general, it kicks up the mathematical rigor you’re used to a notch. Seeing “>” defined as “not <” really blew my mind when I first read it! “<” is just something that satisfies some axioms, like anything else in math.

Honestly, unless you’re very gifted, a book on its own is not going to be enough to really develop your skills. You need to work interactively with a teacher. Getting a degree in math is a good start, but even then it will be limited if you don’t work with other people, go to office hours, form relationships with professors—embed yourself in the culture, so to speak. I think getting engaged with an online community like MathOverflow or similar could be a substitute for this.

IMO, programming is “easier” to learn on your own for a few major reasons:

1) The sorts of things most people are interested in building just aren’t unforgiving intellectually in the same way that math is.

2) You have a compiler to check if you’re right, and your code will often still work even if it’s “wrong” (not as efficient as it could be, has unwanted side effects, etc.). In some sense the compiler is a bit like a teacher this way.

3) With programming, you can upload and make it available for free, and whether it’s legit or not is largely disconnected from your pedigree or how “correct” it is. This makes programming far more accessible. This makes sense considering that programming is primarily a practical tool. On the other hand, mathematics is primarily a field of scientific inquiry and is judged by different standards. If you learn a bit of math, try to write a paper, submit it to the arXiv… well, people will probably think you’re a crank.

On the other hand, if you’re just interested in math for the love of the game… you can certainly pick up a book and read it, maybe work some problems, but I think at this point it’s quite easy to fool yourself into thinking you understand more than you actually do. I guess there’s no real harm in being a charlatan, but probably the average person is interested in having some kind of real relationship with mathematics that they can be confident has a firm foundation. I’m very skeptical most people can truly pull this off by just reading books and not actually going to school.

As an aside, I think the fetishization of math in programming communities is very interesting…

It’s interesting. My first instinct was to disagree with this post, but on reflection I think I mostly agree with it. A couple useful mental models are (i) deliberate practice and (ii) train-validation-test(/out of sample) sets from machine learning

Your point (2) about compiler/interpreter in programming giving you rapid objective feedback is spot on and a vital component for deliberate practice that most people don’t think on. You can kind of get this in math, in particular when you have some familiarity with the subject matter so the machinery isn’t “too abstract” for you to sort through. (I.e. you should be able to confirm whether your proof/answer is accurate the vast majority of the time.) This is much trickier for first exposure to a subject though and the checking effort is on you, not the compiler.

The biggest issue I’ve seen with people self studying or in small math groups is your final (non-aside) paragraph which is perhaps more a psychological problem than and aptitude problem. When things get tough there’s an enormous temptation to delude yourself to think you understand something that you are clueless about. The typical, schoolroom, way of mitigating this is via a final exam and you can check your grade at the end of the class; this gets typically gets short circuited in self guided study. Exams, btw, are essentially validation data sets you compare your math knowledge/model against. (We can call them ‘test’ sets if you prefer). The most important step really is repeatedly seeing how your knowledge works out of sample i.e. on ‘new’ stuff that comes out of the wood works and math.stackexchange is a perfect place for this when dealing with undergrad to mid-grad level problems. I do this all the time to get a sense of my understanding of a new subject I’ve recently acquired. But most people refuse this final step. People will tell me its ‘too hard’ and ‘takes too much time’ (meanwhile they start a new math book) but I strongly suspect it’s in large part due to cognitive dissonance. (Another kind of out of sample test comes up when working on a subject matter that uses something you just “learned” as a pre-req, though there’s a recursive element here and at some point they basically need to interact with 3rd parties.)

I suppose my relatively minor quibble is how much effectiveness depends on being “very gifted” [in some sort of math specific sense] vs understanding the basics of self-learning and being psychologically aware (astute?) enough to not go into denial. Insert quote from Feynman or whomever about how easy it is to fool yourself.

Generally agree. There are books, and some are better than others, but unless you have both the passion and the aptitude, there is no book that will magically make everything understandable. If you struggle with math, it’s probably you and not the book you are using.

Edit: just to add, I struggle with math, lest there is any misinterpretation of my perspective. I went through phases where I thought I just needed to find the right books or the right teachers who could explain it in a way that meshed with my “learning style,” but ultimately concluded I just don’t have a very strong innate ability in the subject.

Honestly, unless you’re very gifted, a book on its own is not going to be enough to really develop your skills. You need to work interactively with a teacher.

Wouldn’t that depend on what level of skill we’re talking about? I believe that most people who need to learn just, say, high-school algebra/geometry/trigonometry/etc. can probably do so with “just books” if they are motivated.

Heck, I’d even venture that most anybody who is motivated enough can learn at least through Calc III on their own using online resources. I’m going through Calc III right now actually, using a combination of books and online videos, and there hasn’t been anything that has struck me as particularly challenging so far. This after only making it to Calc I before I dropped out of school “back in the day”.

Getting a degree in math is a good start, but even then it will be limited if you don’t work with other people, go to office hours, form relationships with professors—embed yourself in the culture, so to speak.

I think these things would be critical if one wants to become a mathematician. But for somebody who just wants to learn more math for the purpose of reading (non math) research papers (maybe in machine learning to pick an obvious, if possibly trite, example), solving problems in everyday life or at work, or possibly even for doing research in another (non math) field and then writing up their research, I would think of all of those things as being “nice, sure, if you have access, time, money etc. But not even close to absolutely essential”.

Unfortunately the OP didn’t really say what their goal is, so it’s hard to say what advice makes the most sense for them.

Also unfortunate is that for probably most people who are working career professionals, there likely isn’t enough free time available to go back and do an actual math degree in school. So learning on ones own from books, videos, etc. is probably the only viable choice.

I basically agree with what you’re saying.

My response was based on the reader saying something about “mathematical thinking” in their post. In my experience, programmers talking about “mathematical thinking” usually have math insecurity and are referring to more advanced topics, thinking they need to consult tomes of deep mathematical wisdom to correct this deficiency (wrong). Could be totally off base, of course. But note some of the other replies here, suggesting very sophisticated books. Are they appropriate for a random HN poster who is soliciting random book suggestions to improve their “mathematical thinking”…? Seems unlikely to me…

One caveat, though:

… Also unfortunate is that for probably most people who are working career professionals, there likely isn’t enough free time available to go back and do an actual math degree in school. So learning on ones own from books, videos, etc. is probably the only viable choice.

I’m not so sure about this. If, like you say, someone is in a job where they need to read some papers with some math in them, they should be organizationally near someone who can help them out. If possible, I think a better strategy (better even than getting a degree) would be to find these people and develop a relationship with them to the point where you can ask them questions. They should then be able to explain any unclear notation, unfamiliar (simple) concepts, etc. Possibly some of that person’s advice might come in the form of “watch a Khan Academy video on Topic X”. But this will be a far more productive use of time than self-directed learning in this case.

On the other hand, if they aren’t near anyone with those skills but they’re reading these papers… something is probably amiss. For example, if they’re reading a machine learning paper which requires a significant knowledge of “engineering math” (Calc 3, linear algebra, etc.), and there is no one with that knowledge nearby… having them read that paper is probably a waste of time from an organizational perspective.

There’s also the question of why they’re reading that paper when they don’t have those basic mathematical skills. Without those skills, it is unlikely they will be able to do very much that is useful with it. If they want to implement the algorithm because they think it will be suitable for some task, I would argue that without those skills they are not in a good position to be able to accurately assess whether the algorithm will perform well. Part of what you learn in an advanced degree is how to read a paper—i.e., how to sniff out the bull shit, what to be wary of, etc.

I’m not so sure about this. If, like you say, someone is in a job where they need to read some papers with some math in them, they should be organizationally near someone who can help them out. If possible, I think a better strategy (better even than getting a degree) would be to find these people and develop a relationship with them to the point where you can ask them questions.

Fair point.

One could also form a math “study circle” of some sort if you are in an area with enough mathematically oriented folks to find people to participate. I did this briefly and it was a valuable thing. It kind of fell apart for different reasons, but I could see doing it again at some point.

All the Math You Missed by Thomas A. Garrity. I have not read it, but it looks interesting and is on my list. It is aimed at new graduate students who need a quick refresher that is still detailed enough to be useful for postgraduate math.

Calculus Made Easy and Probability Through Problems. I’m not sure that I’d have gotten through either my university Calculus courses or Probability and Statistics without these two books. I used them as supplementary material to the course textbooks and homework. They both have a style that is approachable and helped me build an intuition for the material unlike anything else I found.

I second this suggestion for Calculus Made Easy by Thompson. It’s become a bit of a classic…was published in like 1915. Super unique approach to teaching calculus. It’s an excellent supplement…lots of good insights. It may be particularly good for people who believe they’re bad at math. His style may convince people otherwise.

Also, Vibrations and Waves, by AP French. Granted, this is a physics book, but I appreciate his style so much. He makes use of a lot of geometric methods to solving problems. It definitly expanded my math horizons! His other books are good too.

>Probability Through Problems

First time I’m hearing about this one, thanks for the recommendation. Unlike Calculus or even a typical one semester Statistics course, probability is one of those topics where you need to see a lot of problems to really grok anything. The only way is to see a lot of solved problems and think about why that’s the right answer.

Even highly recommended books (e.g. by Blitzstein) don’t have enough solved problems, so it’s nice to there’s a problem focused book out there.

Any good book about the history of mathematics that will teach you a natural historical development of concepts to reach more generalizations.

History of mathematics will give you a very subtle entry into the minds of mathematicians and the motivation behind their theorems.

This will surely make you more appreciative of subjects and concepts you are learning.

Measure and Category by John Oxtoby. This book studies duality results between different notions of “small” sets in measure theory and topology. It’s the first (and to some extent the only) math book where things just clicked and I didn’t feel like I was drowning in a sea of notation and ideas. Here are some more thoughts on it:

I’m so happy to hear that! I’ve always loved this little book (even if it’s completely independent of the math needed for my work).

In a similar spirit, but with a much more geometrical flavor, there is Evans-Gariepy.

I was reading this book, when the ideas of function spaces, functions as vectors, functions as elements of vector spaces, functional analysis clicked on me.

I am not sure if this book is particularly good or better than other books. (Well, it still looks like a very gentle introduction to the topic.) But as per your question, this was the book at the right time for me.

“Fourier Series and Orthogonal Functions” by Harry S. Davis.

For what level and in which area? Books like _Methods of mathematical physics_ can be both too hard and irrelevant to your needs. For starters,

To become a better problem solver with high-school level maths:

  - Polya's How to Solve It.
  - Books of your choice about math contests.
  - Concrete Maths. I understand that this book is taught in college, but it requires very little advanced maths, and its techniques are hugely useful for high school students too.

To hone my intuitions. I learned it the hard way that college maths were different from high school math: in high school, my teachers painstakingly drilled intuitions into us with very targeted explanations and tons of well designed exercises. In college, we won’t get such luxury. So, it’s really up to us to understand mathematical concepts intuitively before diving into technical details. For that matter, the following books helped me a lot:

  - The visual series. Visual Complex Analysis and Visual Group Theory, for instance
  - Pinter's A book of Abstract Algebra
  - Strichartz's The Way of Analysis
  - Linear Algebra Through Geometry by Wermer. The book offers a comprehensive geometric interpretation to linear algebra concepts. It's especially helpful for me to understand quadratic forms.

To understand Analysis better. This area is vast, so I’ll skip recommendations of excellent text books:

   - _Counterexamples in Analysis_. Those counterexamples in Analysis play a huge role in helping me truly appreciate the intricacies of Analysis. Similarly, books like _Counterexamples in Probability and Real Analysis_ are of great help too.
   - The Way of Analysis by Robert S. Strichartz. This books is AMAZING for laymen like me. You'd want someone to *explain* how concepts emerge, and how intuitions evolve.

To become good at maths by doing maths, so the following books used to help me a lot:

  - Problems and Proofs in Real Analysis
  - Putnam and Beyond. I still suck at maths, but those well designed problems in Putnam really taught me how to seek insights in higher maths.
  - Piotr's Problems in Mathematical Analysis. But really, any problem books that challenge you will do. I'd recommend you find problem sets from the website of university courses. They cover essential techniques, and will not be as overwhelming as the books.

During my undergraduate studies, I loved “Discrete Mathematics and Applications” by Kenneth Rosen. I really enjoyed reading through the various examples and biographies of famous mathematicians included in each chapter.

For those looking to delve into discrete mathematics, I highly recommend the lecture notes from L. Lovasz and K. Vesztergombi (Yale University, Spring 1999) and from Eric Lehman, Tom Leighton, and Albert Meyer (MIT, 2010).

Donald Sarason’s “Complex Function Theory”.
There are bigger more complete books on complex analysis. There are even ones that are more appealing, like “Visual Complex Functions” by Elias Wegert.

Sarason’s book is only 160 pages long, with legible text and clear examples. It covers the length of an undergraduate university class, and explains Holomorphic functions perfectly. The proofs are crystal clear, and so are the motivations. I haven’t seen a better introduction.

Going to echo the suggestions for the Art of Problem Solving books, particularly I recommend the contest books (vol 1 or 2). Several very talented people have said to me that these books taught them how to think. Maybe a bit exaggerated, but they’re very good.

See Also

I think you guys might find this list I found long ago very useful when deciding on a mathematics book you want to read.

This is an introduction written by the original author of the list:

“Somehow I became the canonical undergraduate source for bibliographical references, so I thought I would leave a list behind before I graduated. I list the books I have found useful in my wanderings through mathematics (in a few cases, those I found especially unuseful), and give short descriptions and comparisons within each category. I hope that this list may serve as a useful “road map” to other undergraduates picking their way through Eckhart Library. In the end, of course, you must explore on your own; but the list may save you a few days wasted reading books at the wrong level or with the wrong emphasis.

The list is biased in two senses. One, it is light on foundations and applied areas, and heavy (especially in the advanced section) on geometry and topology; this is a consequence of my interests. I welcome additions from people interested in other fields. Two, and more seriously, I am an honors-track student and the list reflects that. I don’t list any “regular” analysis or algebra texts, for instance, because I really dislike the ones I’ve seen. If you are a 203 student looking for an alternative to the awful pink book (Marsden/Hoffman), you will find a few here; they are all much clearer, better books, but none are nearly as gentle. I know that banging one’s head against a more difficult text is not a realistic option for most students in this position. On the other hand, reading mathematics can’t be taught, and it has to be learned sometime. Maybe it’s better to get used to frustration as a way of life sooner, rather than later. I don’t know.” – by original author.


> Discrete Mathematics with Applications
by Susanna S. Epp

Fantastic book for Discrete Mathematics with lucid explanation and good exercises. The other one would be concrete mathematics.

Epp’s book is my favorite Discrete Math book by far. Her writing style is very clear and easy to follow. And as you say, there are good exercises. And if you buy an older edition, used copies can be had for a (relatively) reasonable price.

Books do not make you better at math. Working math problems makes you better at math. Go ahead, down vote all you want.

Reading about running does not make you a better runner. You can watch 1000 marathons, sprinters, Olympians. You may get _ideas_ for running, but it will never make you a better runner. To be a better runner you have to do it. To be a better programmer/mathematician/physicist/whatever, you need to go work at it.

I suppose I am just taking action against how the question is written, but I see a lot of people seemingly hoping that “if they just found the correct book, tutorial, or video, they would be better”. A lof of those people are my students. When I ask how many problems they have worked, I typically always get the same response. Zero, or the bare minimum.

Problem sets are useful for improving your mathematical ability, as is looking at an expert’s attempt at a problem after your attempt. Both are a core part of reading books well. So when someone asks for books to improve their mathematical ability, a likely interpretation is just “they want books with good problem sets, clear presentation and elegance”. Another interpretation is “what’s a book which, when after I intrepret all the individual sentences into a vague impression, will make me good at maths?”

Your answer is somewhat helpful in the latter sort of world where OP didn’t know how to read a textbook (which is unfortunately common) but not in the former sort. You seem to be venting though, which is understandable. But venting with a side of helpful content would be even better.

For instance, advising OP on how to to read a maths book (generate content yourself, check dependancies, connect things to what you know etc.) or suggest books which contain advise like this alongside their main content (I think Tao’s analysis texts might do this?)

So many great responses recommending all kinds of books and then there’s… this. Lol. Such a jaded/cynical teacher thing to say, but sure, nothing is a substitute for what you get out of putting the effort into doing. For me, the biggest hurdle to succeeding at college-level math was a lack of motivation due to the meaninglessness of most of the content.

> Books do not make you better at math. Working math problems makes you better at math.

But math books are often full of exercices that you are supposed to do! Actually reading a math book means that you try to anticipate the proofs before reading them, and you work out all the details and do all the exercices. Reading a math book and working math problems are essentially the same thing.

If I were a student, eager to solve math problems and become better at math, no book would be better than any other book at presenting and guiding me to problems that would improve my understanding?

A Programmer’s Introduction to Mathematics

It introduces math from a mathematician’s standpoint (full with proofs, and so on.) moderately than rote memorization and workouts, however it does so from the attitude of a programmer.

Also, Geometry for Programmers but only because I wrote it. I had to update my skills significantly while gathering material and doing all the experiments. Not sure if reading the book would have the same effect 🙂

There exist only two kinds of modern mathematics books: ones which you cannot read beyond the first page and ones which you cannot read beyond the first sentence. — Chen Ning Yang

Math always seemed a bit arbitrary to me. Why and how did all those fields and branches develop, why are some so much more intuitive than others etc. What helped me cope with that challenge (and ultimately be a better learner / user of mathematics) was digging into the history of mathematics. Many great books in that genre but a very influential one for me was the Concise History of Mathematics by Dirk Jan Struik

>Math always seemed a bit arbitrary to me.

That’s because math is fundamentally arbitrary. This realization came to me late in life. Math was always presented as some aspect objective reality. However over time I’ve come to understand it as software for human brain. Using this math or that to describe something is often simply a matter of taste! Very similar to programming, in fact. Your study of history gives context to the question of utility different maths “packages” for certain problems, but does not invalidate your original impression.

I think “arbitrary” gives the wrong flavor here. Math is fundamentally curated.

It’s easy to create something new, because you get to play with the rules – but unless it is in some sense deep, effective, and usually elegant [1] it won’t stick around.

[1] this is a bit acculturated.

Since I haven’t seen many discrete maths books, he’s my list:

Beginner: NL Biggs, Discrete Mathematics, Oxford University Press

Intermediate: PJ Cameron, Combinatorics: Topics, Techniques, Algorithms, Cambridge University Press

Advanced: JH van Lint & RM Wilson, A Course in Combinatorics, Cambridge University Press

Several people who have mentioned “How to Solve It” by George Polya. It’s been decades since I’ve looked at it, but a favorite Polya quote of mine is ” “The open secret of real success is to throw your whole personality into your problem.”

I can’t remember if the book addresses this, but for myself my inability to tolerate frustration really impeded my ability to work on any mathematical challenge for decades.

”Road to reality” by Roger Penrose is an interesting book as a refresher and review if the content is otherwise within familiar territory.

Freshman year of undergraduate math required

  How to Solve it -- Polya
  The Art of Problem Posing -- Brown and Walter

I’m not sure it made me any _better_ at math, but I did always enjoy

  How to Lie With Statistics -- Huff

A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry by Peter Szekeres

My intro to abstract math… Wide range of topics, very clearly written and very well structured. Sets, groups, vector spaces, tensors, topology, differential geometry, lie groups and more.

An Introduction to Category Theory by Harold Simmons

Very enjoyable read. You cannot go wrong with this as your first book on the subject.

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Strogatz

Chaos theory and deterministic systems are a fascinating vantage point for thinking about the dynamics of large computer systems. Thinking of them as stochastic systems is sometimes useful, but most of the systems are actually just operating in unstable periodic processes which are much closer to being a chaotic system rather than a stochastic system. This influences how I think about testing and debugging large distributed systems.

I will say, I’m not sure I could have learned it well without a class and a good professor. The author has a number of books though and is a professor at Cornell.

The Time/Life book “Mathematics” published 1969. I was in 2nd grade, liked mathematics and saw a book with that name and pictures. It was a high level survey of a lot of mathematical concepts, explaining things in a way I could understand at that age, but also in a way that wouldn’t be talking down to me today.

The Art of Problem Solving:

Sure, it’s focused in the direction of center and highschool college students. Sure, I learn it and (extra importantly) labored by many of the issues in my mid-30’s. It’s nice if, like me, you coasted/crammed by your early arithmetic training and by no means felt such as you dialed within the fundamentals. Additionally it is nice if, like me, you wanted some pen-on-paper observe and didn’t know the place to begin.

1. Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin (baby Rudin) – I’d studied real analysis in the past, but this book is direct and rigorous and provided a good framework to move forward into things like functional analysis in a way that I was not prepared for with other books.

2. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems by Lawrence Perko – Solidified for me how dynamic systems behaved and were solved. Very much helped my understanding of control theory as well.

3. A Concise Introduction to the Theory of Integration by Daniel Stroock – Helped solidify concepts related to Lebesgue integration and a rigorous formulation of the divergence theorem in high dimensions.

4. Convex Functional Analysis by Kurdilla and Zabarankin – Filled in a lot of random holes missing in my functional analysis knowledge. Provides a rigorous formulation of when an optimization formulation contains an infimum and whether it can be attained. Prior to this point, I often conflated the two.

Calculus Made Easy (1910) simply for the quote at the beginning: “What one fool can do, another can.”

I did horribly in math because I figured it was hard and just accepted I’d never be good at it. That quote somehow managed to dissolve my mental block.

Had to do a Calculus course in uni despite not having taken any calc or pre-calc in high school. “Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell” and “Calculus Made Easy” were complete lifesavers.

I’m coming from an applied math perspective. A few of my favorites (and ones I find myself regularly referring to) are:

Matrix Analysis by Horn and Johnson (perhaps the best end-of-chapter problem sets of any math book I’ve encountered!)

Matrix Computations by Golub and Van Loan

Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Friedman, Tibshirani

Functional Analysis by Reed and Simon

A lot of recommendations depend on what you’re trying to learn.

But I’ve enjoyed the following texts to a larger extent than others:

– Algebra: Chapter 0 (Aluffi)

– Real Mathematical Analysis (Pugh)

– Mathematics and its History (Stillwell)

– An Introduction to Manifolds (Tu)

– Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity (Baez)

– A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory (Rosenthal)

– All of Statistics (Wasserman)

There are some authors I trust and am happy to buy so long as the topic vaguely interests me: VI Arnold, Tristan Needham and John Stillwell.

I really like the list put out by @enriquto in a separate comment, but I’ve avoided duplicating those recommendations in the list above.

A book of abstract algebra – Charles C. Pinter. Each chapter is a few pages of explanation, and the rest you solve yourself by doing exercises that introduce aspects of the theory step by step.

Probably the most elegant math book I have ever seen is Probabilty theory a graduate course by Achim Klenke. A very nice exposition into the abstract, measure theoretic prob. thoery (but it assumes some prior knowledge).

I’m going to cheat and combine a couple of books into “one book”. The Manhattan Prep GMAT test prep math books were really good for me for everyday life. I learned a lot of shortcuts and quick heuristics to use and got better at estimating after going through those books. It doesn’t help me “get better” in an academic sense, but those books pay dividends every day for me.

What if by Randall Munroe
Not rigorous but it changed my perspective that was instilled in me in middle school.
Otherwise Feynman Notes changed me academically. Easier to pickup math through physics if you arent looking for deeply pure avenues.

* 4-Manifolds and Kirby Calculus by Andras I. Stipsicz and Robert E. Gompf

* Differential Manifolds by Antoni A. Kosinski

* Introduction to Smooth Manifolds by John M. Lee

The classic “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” by Erwin Kreyszig was absolutely ‘good enough’. Maybe even more important – for me: it was one of the easiest books to follow and digest during my undergrad. See it as a solid base for other heavier/purer titles.

If you are into numerical optimization, a nice source of intersting problems and examples (that e.g. contradict the intuition) can be found in

Mathematical Tapas: Volume 1 and Vol. 2.

Significantly better I don’t know but when I was a child I was given Der Zahlenteufel. Ein Kopfkissenbuch für alle, die Angst vor der Mathematik haben (The Number Devil) and I liked it very much

While I have a ton of favorite math books, the two books that I felt really helped me the relevant subject are:

* An Introduction to Manifolds by Loring Tu

* The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure by Robert G. Bartle.

These two books were instrumental to my studying for my qualifying exams.

A better question: What books made you significantly better at math that are also genuinely FUN to learn from?

I find that my biggest barrier to learning math has always been how unengaging, excessively contrived, and unfun the learning material has been.

David Bressoud’s 4 books on calculus/analysis are the most engaging math books I’ve ever read. He uses the history of mathematics to drive the narrative and it’s an enlightening approach. However, this means certain theorems often taught in undergrad analysis are delayed until his “graduate” book and his graduate book would not be sufficient for passing many universities analysis quals. But the context and history he gives is fantastic.

I always recommend Bressoud’s measure theory/integration text as a supplement the first graduate course in analysis. His discussion of weird and pathological sets of reals such as fat Cantor sets are really helpful for building intuition.

I had a print of Euclid’s Elements as a kid.

My mom was really into mathematical proofs and I being a huge loser kid with no friends naturally took to this book as well.

Some favorites below. Books 0-3 are accessible. The remaining books are more difficult but I’d highly recommend them to math students.

0. Jan Gullberg, Mathematics, From the Birth of Numbers. A highly accessible popular survey on different branches of higher mathematics. I read this over the Summer between high school and starting my undergraduate degree. It’s what made me want to study math. Previously I’d wanted to be a guitar player, but had to find a new ambition after an injury left me unable to play.

1. The high school mathematics series by Israel Gelfand. Algebra, Trigonometry, The Method of Coordinates, and Functions and Graphs. I
didn’t have much mathematics background in high school, but working through these really solidified my grasp on the basics.

2. George Polya. How to Solve it. A short book giving excellent high level advice on mathematical problem solving.

3. George E. Andrews, Number Theory. I worked through this freshman year contemporaneously with my first proof based class on simple logic and set theory. A very beautiful and accessible introduction to basic number theory. The combinatorial/geometric proofs of Fermat’s Little Theorem and Wilson’s Theorem are lovely. It also includes a very nice proof of Chebyshev’s theorem on the asymptotic density of primes and even the Rogers-Ramanujan identities for integer partitions.

4. Vladimir Arnold, Ordinary Differential Equations: Undergrad ODE classes are often taught in a cookbook fashion and if so, don’t offer much enlightenment. This book explains what’s going on at geometrical level. I didn’t appreciate ODEs until I read this. See for Arnold’s views on instructing arithmetic.

5. E.C. Titchmarsh The Idea of Features: Really helpful by my undergraduate advisor as a result of he seen that I favored studying older books. It accommodates sections on advanced evaluation and actual evaluation with measure principle, however I’ve solely learn the advanced evaluation sections. It is not for everybody, if I recall appropriately, there may be not a single image, however it is rather energetic and has a variety of materials you will not discover in a normal advanced evaluation ebook, together with Dirichlet sequence. Wonderful as a complement to a normal advanced evaluation ebook.

6. George Polya. Arithmetic and Believable Reasoning. A wonderful growth on Polya’s concepts on The way to Resolve it. Whereas the aim is to hunt rigorous proofs, to get there it is highly effective to have the ability to suppose based mostly on instinct, heuristics, and believable reasoning. Loads of math exposition is theorem/proof based mostly and would not assist develop these abilities. In the same vein, see additionally Terence Tao’s traditional submit There’s extra to arithmetic than rigour and proofs….

7. H.S.M Coxeter, An Introduction to Geometry. A ebook of very lovely classical geometry. One thing sometimes not touched on in any respect in a typical arithmetic curriculum.

The classic, How to Solve It by Polya.

A lot of the advice seems obvious in retrospect but being systematic about a problem solving framework is enormously helpful.

A lot of comments about textbooks that helped in specific topics but I don’t think that answers the spirit of OP’s question. Sure working through ANY Linear Algebra textbook is going to improve your Linear Algebra skills.

In the spirit of OP’s question:

How to Solve it by G. Polya

Solving Mathematical Problems by Terrence Tao

Introduction to Mathematical Thinking by Keith Devlin

Are all amazing, How to Solve it in particular is an all time classic.

Algebra Baldor !

College Algebra Heineman

Discrete Math Rosen !

Linear algebra D lay

Calculus Stewart

Nonlinear Dynamics Strogatz +

Combinatorics Mazur +

Statistics *


From Mathematics to Generic Programming – Stepanov & Rose

Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid – Hofstadter

Euclid’s Elements

I highly recommend working through Claude Shannon’s Mathematical Theory of Communications [0]. It’s originally a paper but was later restructured as a book, in either form it works quite well.

The reason I recommend it is because it shows mathematical reasoning that is easy to follow and relevant to your daily life. It’s real math, but very easy to read through and understand. If your unfamiliar this paper is where the very idea of “bits” comes from.

One of the most important things in the paper for non-mathematicians to see is that the definition Information Entropy is derived simply from the mathematical properties Shannon desires it to have.

This is important because I find that one of the biggest questions people ask about mathematical formula and idea is “What does this mean? Why is it this way?” without realizing that math is really not engineering nor physics. When deriving his definition of Information, Shannon simply states that information should have the following x,y… properties and then goes on to show that the now standard definition of information meets all these criteria.

In mathematics it is very often the case that only after an idea is created to we start realizing the applications. This is quite different than science where a model is only adopted if it correctly describes a physical process.

Work through the paper and you will have worked through the mathematical underpinnings of the information age and will likely have understood most of it pretty well.


I love math books with great exercises, I just wish I could code them up in a theorem prover and solve and store my proofs that way. I’ve tried a bunch of tools but haven’t found a language or workflow that really meets the needs for computer assisted study of mathematics.

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