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Honeypot Captcha | You’ve Been Haacked

Honeypot Captcha | You’ve Been Haacked

2024-03-12 03:55:45

I used to be eager about alternative routes to dam remark spam the opposite
day and it occurred to me that there’s probably a less complicated resolution
than the Invisible

strategy I wrote about.

The Invisible Captcha management performs upon the truth that most remark spam
bots don’t consider javascript. Nevertheless there’s one other specific
behavioral trait that bots have that may be exploited as a result of bots
lack of ability to assist one other browser facility.

honeypot image from
You see, remark spam bots love type fields. Once they encounter a type
discipline, they go right into a berserker frenzy (+2 to energy, +2 hp per stage,
and many others…) attempting to fill out every discipline. It’s like watching
somebody toss meat to piranhas.

On the identical time, spam bots are likely to ignore CSS. For instance, should you use
CSS to cover a type discipline (particularly through CSS in a separate file), they
have a extremely onerous time realizing that the sphere will not be imagined to be

To use this, you’ll be able to create a honeypot type discipline that must be
left clean
after which use CSS to cover it from human customers, however not bots.
When the shape is submitted, you test to ensure the worth of that
type discipline is clean. For instance, I’ll use the shape discipline named physique
because the honeypot. Assume that the precise physique is in one other type discipline
named the-real-body or one thing like that:

<div id="honeypotsome-div">
If you see this, depart this type discipline clean 
and make investments in CSS assist.
<enter kind="textual content" identify="physique" worth="" />

Now in your code, you’ll be able to simply test to ensure that the honeypot
discipline is clean…


I feel the most effective factor to do on this case is to behave such as you’ve accepted
the remark, however actually simply ignore it.

I did a Google search and found I’m not the primary to give you
this concept. It seems that Ned Batchelder wrote about honeypots as a
comment spam fighting

some time in the past. Fortuitously I discovered that put up after I wrote the next

For you ASP.NET junkies, I wrote a Validator management that encapsulates
this honeypot conduct. Simply add it to your web page like this…

See Also

<sbk:HoneypotCaptcha ID="physique" ErrorMessage="Doh! You're a bot!"
  runat="server"  />

This management renders a textual content field and if you name
Web page.Validate, validation fails if the textbox is not empty.

This management has no show by default by setting the fashion attribute
to show:none. You’ll be able to override this conduct by setting the
UseInlineStyleToHide property to false, which makes you accountable
for hiding the management in another means (for instance, by utilizing CSS
outlined elsewhere). This additionally gives a useful method to take a look at the

To get your palms on this validator code and see a demo, obtain the
supply from CodePlex. You’ll must get the code from supply management
as a result of this isn’t but a part of any launch.

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