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JSON Schema Retailer

JSON Schema Retailer

2023-08-20 17:05:55

JSON Schemas can be found for the next {0} information:

Auto completion

JSON schema auto completion
In supported JSON editors like Visible Studio and Visible Studio Code,
schema information can supply auto-completion and validation to verify your JSON doc is appropriate.

See a list
of editors, validators and different software program supporting JSON schemas.


JSON schema tooltip
When a JSON editor helps schemas, tooltips may help inform the person
in regards to the numerous properties and values.

Public API

Public API for JSON Schemas
The JSON API incorporates an inventory of JSON Schema information for identified JSON file codecs.
Every schema file can be utilized in tooling resembling command line validators, editor auto-completion and so forth.

The API exposes metadata about every schema within the following format:

  "title": "bower.json",
  "description": "Bower package deal description file",
  "fileMatch": [ "bower.json", ".bower.json" ],
  "url": ""

title, description and url are all required properties.

The url property is an absolute URI pointing to the schema.
It may be hosted anyplace on the net.

The fileMatch property is for specifying what identified file names corresponds with
the schema. This property is non-compulsory since not all JSON codecs implement a particular file title.

Supporting editors

Numerous editors and IDEs have direct help for schemas hosted on

  • Android Studio
  • CLion
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • JSONBuddy
  • Neovim by way of SchemaStore.nvim
  • PhpStorm
  • PyCharm
  • ReSharper
  • Rider
  • RubyMine
  • SublimeText by way of LSP-json
  • Visible Studio
  • Visible Studio Code(YAML,JSON)
  • Visible Studio for Mac
  • WebStorm

See Also

Any schema on will mechanically be synchronized to the supporting editors.

Sponsor now
Over 700 GB of JSON schema information are served every day from It is a massive effort to keep up
and hold operating, and it is all accomplished by JSON Schema loving volunteers.

If what you are promoting will get worth from, please contemplate sponsoring to maintain the undertaking alive and wholesome.

Premium sponsors:

Do you construct IDEs or editors that combine with, or host a schema in your paying clients, contemplate a sponsorship. sponsorships

Supporting Steady Integration instruments

CI/CD purposes can detect all JSON and YAML information and validate them if an identical schema is discovered on


Hosted on GitHub
The objective of this API is to incorporate schemas for all generally
identified JSON file codecs. To try this we encourage contributions when it comes to new schemas,
modifications and take a look at information. is owned by the neighborhood, and we have now a historical past of accepting most pull requests.
Even if you happen to’re new to JSON Schemas, please submit new schemas anyway. We’ve many contributors that
will assist flip the schemas into perfection.

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