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Larry Summers Labored at D.E. Shaw Simply One Day a Week

Larry Summers Labored at D.E. Shaw Simply One Day a Week

2024-01-24 15:00:52

larrysummers-surprised_tbi.jpgNow that is the job we would like. In line with the NYT, Larry Summers labored simply in the future per week whereas making $5.2 million in two years at hedge fund D.E. Shaw.

So as an example he labored 100 days complete, that is $52,000 per day.

And assuming he labored about 12 hour days, that is $4,333 per hour.

However lest you assume his place on the hedge fund was purely decorative, it does sound like he did some work there. He apparently served as a “sounding board” for merchants, whereas additionally doing private consulting for abroad buyers.

See Also

If he was liable for both $500 million in recent outdoors funding or $50 million in further marginal buying and selling income, notes David Goldman, is was most likely honest compensation.

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