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Microsoft now calls for to know why you simply received’t use Edge once you inevitably obtain Chrome utilizing it

Microsoft now calls for to know why you simply received’t use Edge once you inevitably obtain Chrome utilizing it

2023-10-24 20:39:40

Microsoft is making some attention-grabbing (and doubtlessly controversial) strikes to attempt to encourage customers to its browser, Edge, as an alternative of its arch-rival Google Chrome. If you wish to obtain the installer for Google Chrome utilizing Edge (which is the one net browser pre-installed in Home windows 10 and Windows 11), Microsoft now apparently calls for to know why in a ballot. 

In the event you use Edge for any looking, you’ll most likely have observed that it’s already peppered with ads, banners, and pop-ups to induce you to maintain Edge as your default browser, and it seems like Microsoft thinks it’s not been placing sufficient stress on its customers. 

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