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Nextdoor’s Heisensubscribe (And Different Darkish Patterns)

Nextdoor’s Heisensubscribe (And Different Darkish Patterns)

2024-02-12 06:04:19

Nextdoor’s Heisensubscribe (And Different Darkish Patterns)

TL;DR: Nextdoor’s notification settings are hostile. This isn’t an remoted incident.

“See What You Missed”

Ship emails that display fast and apparent worth.

My electronic mail shopper renders HTML and CSS – present me what I missed.

In fact it’s simpler to ship a static hyperlink to a notification web page.
Rendering dynamic emails is non-trivial.

However because it stands, this electronic mail reeks of “FOMO” and “driving engagement”.

Don’t sully your model for affordable clicks.

Electronic mail Frequency

Month-to-month emails could be missed, however weekly emails can overwhelm.

For those who’re going to blast weekly emails, please supply a month-to-month setting.

Moreover, throw a “ship this electronic mail month-to-month as a substitute” hyperlink within the footer.
Put affordances in context.


Did I unsubscribe?

Unlabeled switches obfuscate intent:

  • “sure, you’ll recieve extra of those emails”
  • “sure, you unsubscribed”

Don’t put any controls on unsubscribe pages.
Visually talk to me that there isn’t a remaining work for me to do.
Merely say “unsubscribe profitable” and add a hyperlink to my notification settings.

“Simply One Setting”

Wait a second.

See Also

If this setting known as “Missed notifications”, does that indicate others exist?

I’m suspicious of you, nextdoor.
You realize that I most likely wish to unsubscribe from all the pieces, however you’re being a sore loser.
Add an additional hyperlink that claims “unsubscribe from all the pieces”.

Kicking and Screaming

Sure, there are 16 pages of notification settings.

There aren’t any “disable all” buttons.
To be able to unsubscribe from all the pieces, nextdoor calls for a whole lot of clicks.

Disgrace on you, nextdoor.

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