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Proofs from THE BOOK – Wikipedia

Proofs from THE BOOK – Wikipedia

2023-07-21 05:58:38

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1998 arithmetic guide by Aigner and Ziegler

Proofs from THE BOOK is a guide of mathematical proofs by Martin Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler. The guide is devoted to the mathematician Paul Erdős, who typically referred to “The Ebook” through which God retains probably the most elegant proof of every mathematical theorem. Throughout a lecture in 1985, Erdős stated, “You do not have to imagine in God, however you must imagine in The Ebook.”[1]

Content material[edit]

Proofs from THE BOOK accommodates 32 sections (45 within the sixth version), every devoted to at least one theorem however typically containing a number of proofs and associated outcomes. It spans a broad vary of mathematical fields: number theory, geometry, analysis, combinatorics and graph theory. Erdős himself made many solutions for the guide, however died earlier than its publication. The guide is illustrated by Karl Heinrich Hofmann [de]. It has gone by means of six editions in English, and has been translated into Persian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Chinese language, Polish, Portuguese, Korean, Turkish, Russian and Spanish.

In November 2017 the American Mathematical Society introduced the 2018 Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition to be awarded to Aigner and Ziegler for this guide.

See Also

The proofs embrace:


Exterior hyperlinks[edit]

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