The 1995 SQL Reunion: Folks, Initiatives, and Politics

SRC Technical Word
1997 – 018
August 20, 1997
The 1995 SQL Reunion: Folks, Initiatives, and Politics
Edited by Paul McJones
Methods Analysis Heart
130 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Copyright (c) 1995, 1997 by Paul McJones, Roger Bamford, Mike Blasgen, Don
Chamberlin, Josephine Cheng, Jean-Jacques Daudenarde, Shel Finkelstein, Jim
Grey, Bob Jolls, Bruce Lindsay, Raymond Lorie, Jim Mehl, Roger Miller, C.
Mohan, John Nauman, Mike Pong, Tom Value, Franco Putzolu, Mario Schkolnick, Bob
Selinger, Pat Selinger, Don Slutz, Irv Traiger, Brad Wade, and Bob Yost. You
might copy this doc in entire or partially with out cost of price offered that
you acknowledge the authors and embrace this discover.
A reunion of people that labored on System R and its derivatives, together with
SQL/DS, DB2, and R*, was held at Asilomar on Could 29, 1995. That is an edited
transcript of the day’s discussions, incorporating modifications offered by the
audio system. It supplies an off-the-cuff however first-hand account of the start of SQL,
the historical past of System R, and the origins of numerous different relational
methods inside and out of doors IBM.