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The C Programming Language: Myths and Actuality (1)

The C Programming Language: Myths and Actuality (1)

2023-07-17 08:05:48

The C Programming Language: Myths and Actuality (1)

The Web is the very first thing that humanity has constructed that humanity doesn’t perceive, the biggest experiment in anarchy that we’ve ever had.

-- Eric Schmidt

Posted by Lelanthran



All too typically somebody, someplace, on some discussion board … will lament the dearth of encapsulation and isolation within the C programming language. This occurs with such regularity that I now really feel compelled to handle the parable as soon as and perpetually. This implies I can put up hyperlinks to this web page for any future assertion of that nature with out having to retype the reason in everytime someone is wrong on the internet

Simply to be clear, C is an outdated language missing many, many, many fashionable options. One of many options it doesn’t lack is encapsulation and isolation.

Lets have a look at a category definition that has non-public members; in any case, that’s the place the isolation comes from, proper? If all of the fields have been public, then it’d be similar to C however with inheritance.

You don’t have inheritance, but you do have one very important characteristic: you can create objects from this class, and use them, from within Python.


Ruby, even.

It’ll work with most Lisp implementations.

You can call it from Java.

In fact, I don’t believe there is a single programming language in common use which cannot use this object. In many cases the programmer from the other language won’t even have to do much work to use this class.]

My Makefiles already have rules to automatically generate the interface so that the C code I write in this manner is callable from within Android applications.

And that’s how you get encapsulation and isolation with strong guarantees in C. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

Posted by Lelanthran


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