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The counter-intuitive rise of Python in scientific computing

The counter-intuitive rise of Python in scientific computing

2024-01-06 07:26:11

The writer of this code is Matthew Kennel. In keeping with the publication the place it was launched (again in 2004!) ( it’s offered below phrases of the Academic Free License. I’ve finished some refactoring of it earlier than in a non-public fork.

The Scipy library has a helpful kd-tree which is described briefly of their Nature Strategies paper (see Fig. 3 in The newest model is definitely written in C++:

The benchmark is to assemble a tree of n = 10000 uniformly distributed factors, and question the closest neighbors for r = 1000 random vectors in m = 3, 8, and 16 dimensions. The precise benchmark setup will be discovered right here:

I’ve repeated this check with the kdtree2 code from Matthew Kennel:

program kdtree_benchmark
  use kdtree2_module
  implicit none

  sort(kdtree2), pointer :: tree
  actual(kdkind), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: knowledge, queries
  sort(kdtree2_result) :: outcomes(1)

  actual :: t0, t1, t2
  integer, parameter :: m(3) = [3, 8, 16]
  integer, parameter :: n = 10000, r = 1000
  integer :: idxs(r), idx
  integer :: i

  do i = 1, 3

    write(*,*) "Dimension = ", m(i)

    name random_number(knowledge)

    name random_number(queries)

    ! Populate tree
    name cpu_time(t0)
    tree => kdtree2_create(knowledge,type=.true.,rearrange=.true.)
    name cpu_time(t1)

    ! Question random vectors
    do idx = 1, r
      name kdtree2_n_nearest(tp=tree,qv=queries(:,idx),nn=1,outcomes=outcomes)
      idxs(idx) = outcomes(1)%idx
    finish do
    name cpu_time(t2)

    write(*,*) "Tree construct (s): ", t1 - t0
    write(*,*) "Tree question (s): ", t2 - t1

    name kdtree2_destroy(tree)  

  finish do

finish program

Operating this system on a >5 yr outdated ThinkPad T530 with an Intel® Core™ i5-3320M CPU:

$ gfortran -O3 src/kdtree2_precision_module.f90 src/kdtree2_priority_queue_module.f90 src/kdtree2_module.f90 checks/time.f90 -o time
$ ./time
 Dimension =            3
 Tree construct (s):    3.41600017E-03
 Tree question (s):    1.05800014E-03
 Dimension =            8
 Tree construct (s):    4.14900016E-03
 Tree question (s):    1.39079997E-02
 Dimension =           16
 Tree construct (s):    5.63300028E-03
 Tree question (s):   0.218334988    

The 16 yr outdated Fortran code delivers related efficiency to the newest Scipy model!

See Also

Had Bob from the weblog publish identified about it, he may have instructed these Python kids…

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