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The Unix Koans of Grasp Foo

The Unix Koans of Grasp Foo

2023-05-05 22:40:37

The UNIX Koans

Rootless Root

Rootless Root


Grasp Foo as soon as mentioned to a visiting programmer: There’s
extra Unix-nature in a single line of shell script than there may be in ten thousand
strains of C.

The programmer, who was very pleased with his mastery of C, mentioned:
How can this be? C is the language through which the very kernel of
Unix is applied!

Grasp Foo replied: That’s so. However, there may be
extra Unix-nature in a single line of shell script than there may be in ten thousand
strains of C.

The programmer grew distressed. However by the C
language we expertise the enlightenment of the Patriarch Ritchie! We
develop into as one with the working system and the machine, reaping
matchless efficiency!

Grasp Foo replied: All that you simply say is true. However there
continues to be extra Unix-nature in a single line of shell script than there may be in ten
thousand strains of C.

The programmer scoffed at Grasp Foo and rose to depart. However
Grasp Foo nodded to his pupil Nubi, who wrote a line of shell
script on a close-by whiteboard, and mentioned: Grasp programmer,
think about this pipeline. Carried out in pure C, wouldn’t it not span ten
thousand strains?

The programmer muttered by his beard, considering what
Nubi had written. Lastly he agreed that it was so.

And what number of hours would you require to implement and
debug that C program?
requested Nubi.

Many, admitted the visiting programmer.
However solely a idiot would spend the time to do this when so many
extra worthy duties await him.

And who higher understands the Unix-nature?
Grasp Foo requested. Is it he who writes the ten thousand
strains, or he who, perceiving the vacancy of the duty, good points advantage by
not coding?

Upon listening to this, the programmer was enlightened.

A stranger from the land of Woot got here to Grasp Foo as he was
consuming the morning meal along with his college students.

I hear y00 are very l33t, he mentioned.
Pl33z educate m3 all y00 know.

Grasp Foo’s college students checked out one another, confused by the
stranger’s barbarous language. Grasp Foo simply smiled and replied:
You want to study the Approach of Unix?

I need to b3 a wizard hax0r, the stranger
replied, and 0wn ever3one’s b0xen.

I don’t educate that Approach, replied Grasp Foo.

The stranger grew agitated. D00d, y00 r nothing however a
he mentioned. If y00 n00 something, y00 wud

There’s a path, mentioned Grasp Foo, that
may carry you to knowledge.
The grasp scribbled an IP handle on
a chunk of paper. Cracking this field ought to pose you little
problem, as its guardians are incompetent. Return and inform me
what you discover.

The stranger bowed and left. Grasp Foo completed his meal.

Days handed, then months. The stranger was forgotten.

Years later, the stranger from the land of Woot returned.

Rattling you! he mentioned, I cracked that field, and
it was straightforward such as you mentioned. However I bought busted by the FBI and thrown
in jail.

Good, mentioned Grasp Foo. You’re prepared for
the following lesson.
He scribbled an IP handle on one other piece
of paper and handed it to the stranger.

Are you loopy?
the stranger
yelled. After what I have been by, I am by no means going to interrupt
into a pc once more!

Grasp Foo smiled. Right here, he mentioned, is the
starting of knowledge.

On listening to this, the stranger was enlightened.

Grasp Foo instructed his college students:

There’s a line of dharma educating, exemplified by the
Patriarch McIlroy’s mantra ‘Do one factor nicely’, which
emphasizes that software program partakes of the Unix approach when it has easy
and constant conduct, with properties that may be readily modeled by
the thoughts of the person and utilized by different applications.

However there may be one other line of dharma educating, exemplified by the
Patriarch Thompson’s nice mantra When unsure, use brute
, and varied sutras on the worth of getting 90% of circumstances
proper now, relatively than 100%
later, which emphasizes robustness and ease of

Now inform me: which applications have the Unix nature?

After a silence, Nubi noticed:

Grasp, these teachings could battle.

A easy implementation is more likely to lack logic for edge
circumstances, corresponding to useful resource exhaustion, or failure to shut a race window,
or a timeout throughout an uncompleted transaction.

When such edge circumstances happen, the conduct of the software program
will develop into irregular and tough. Absolutely this isn’t the Approach of

Grasp Foo nodded in settlement.

However, it’s well-known that fancy algorithms
are brittle. Additional, every try and cowl an edge case tends to
work together with each this system’s central algorithms and the code
overlaying different edge circumstances.

Thus, makes an attempt to cowl all edge circumstances upfront, guaranteeing
‘simplicity of description’, could in actual fact produce code that’s
overcomplicated and brittle or which, stricken by bugs, by no means ships in any respect.
Absolutely this isn’t the Approach of Unix?

Grasp Foo nodded in settlement.

What, then, is the right dharma path? requested Nubi.

The grasp spoke:

When the eagle flies, does it overlook that its ft have
touched the bottom? When the tiger lands upon its prey, does it
overlook its second within the air? Three kilos of VAX!

On listening to this, Nubi was enlightened.

A pupil mentioned: We have now discovered that Unix isn’t just an
working system, but in addition a mode of approaching

Grasp Foo nodded in settlement.

The scholar continued: Then, the Nice Approach of Unix will be
utilized on different working techniques?

Grasp Foo sat silent for a second, then mentioned: In each
working system there’s a path to the Nice Approach, if solely we are able to discover

The scholar continued: What, then, of Home windows? It’s
preinstalled on most computer systems, and although its instruments are largely far
inferior, they’re straightforward to make use of for newbies. Absolutely, Home windows customers
may benefit from the Unix philosophy.

Grasp Foo nodded once more.

The scholar mentioned: How, then, are these enlightened within the Unix Approach
to return to the Home windows world?

Grasp Foo mentioned: To return to Home windows, you’ve however to
boot it up.

The scholar mentioned, rising agitated: Grasp Foo, whether it is
really easy, why are there so many monolithic and damaged software program packages
for Home windows? Elegant software program also needs to be potential with a GUI and
fancy colours, however there may be little proof that this happens. What
turns into of an enlighted one who returns to Home windows?

Grasp Foo: A damaged mirror by no means displays once more; fallen flowers
by no means return to the previous branches.

Upon listening to this, all current had been enlightened.

A Unix zealot, having heard that Grasp Foo was clever within the
Nice Approach, got here to him for instruction. Grasp Foo mentioned to him:

When the Patriarch Thompson invented Unix, he didn’t
perceive it. Then he gained in understanding, and not invented

When the Patriarch McIlroy invented the pipe, he knew
that it could remodel software program, however didn’t know that it could
remodel thoughts.

When the Patriarch Ritchie invented C, he condemned
programmers to a thousand hells of buffer overruns, heap corruption,
and stale-pointer bugs.

Actually, the Patriarchs had been blind and silly!

See Also

The zealot was significantly angered by the Grasp’s phrases.

These enlightened ones, he protested, gave
us the Nice Approach of Unix. Absolutely, if we mock them we are going to lose advantage
and be reborn as beasts or MCSEs.

Is your code ever utterly with out stain and
demanded Grasp Foo.

No, admitted the zealot, no man’s

The knowledge of the Patriarchs mentioned Grasp Foo,
was that they knew they had been

Upon listening to this, the zealot was enlightened.

As soon as, a well-known Home windows system administrator got here to Grasp Foo
and requested him for instruction: I’ve heard that you’re a
highly effective Unix wizard. Allow us to commerce secrets and techniques, that we could each achieve

Grasp Foo mentioned: It’s good that you simply search knowledge. However in
the Approach of Unix, there aren’t any secrets and techniques.

The administrator regarded puzzled at this. However it’s mentioned
that you’re a nice Unix guru who is aware of all of the innermost mysteries.
As do I in Home windows; I’m an MCSE, and I’ve many different certifications
of data not widespread on the planet. I do know even probably the most obscure
registry entries by coronary heart. I can inform you every thing concerning the Home windows
API, sure, even secrets and techniques these of Redmond have half-forgotten. What’s
the arcane lore that offers you your energy?

Grasp Foo mentioned: I’ve none. Nothing is hidden, nothing
is revealed.

Rising indignant, the administrator mentioned Very nicely, if you happen to
maintain no secrets and techniques, then inform me: what do I’ve to know to develop into as
highly effective within the Unix approach as you?

Grasp Foo mentioned: A person who errors secrets and techniques for information
is sort of a man who, in search of gentle, hugs a candle so intently that he
smothers it and burns his hand.

Upon listening to this, the administrator was enlightened.

On one other event when Grasp Foo gave public instruction, an
finish person, having heard tales of the Grasp’s knowledge, got here to him for

He bowed thrice to Grasp Foo. I want to study the
Nice Approach of Unix,
he mentioned however the command
confuses me.

A number of the onlooking neophytes started to mock the top person,
calling him clueless and saying that the Approach of
Unix is just for these of self-discipline and intelligence.

The Grasp held up a hand for silence, and known as probably the most
obstreperous of the neophytes who had mocked ahead, to the place
he and the top person sat.

Inform me, he requested the neophyte, of the
code you’ve written and the works of design you’ve

The neophyte started to stammer out a reply, however fell silent.

Grasp Foo turned to the end-user. Inform me, he
inquired, why do you search the Approach?

I’m discontent with the software program I see round
the top person replied. It neither
performs reliably
nor pleases the attention and hand. Having heard that the Unix approach, although
tough, is superior, I search to forged apart all snares and

And what do you do on the planet, requested Grasp Foo,
that it’s essential to try with software program?

I’m a builder, the top person replied, Many
of the homes of this city had been made beneath my chop.

Grasp Foo turned again to the neophyte. The housecat could
mock the tiger,
mentioned the grasp, however doing
so is not going to
make his purr right into a roar.

Upon listening to this, the neophyte was enlightened.

There was a time when rumors started to achieve Grasp Foo and his college students
of a prodigiously gifted programmer, a younger man who wandered the size and
breadth of the land performing mighty feats of coding and humiliating all
who dared set their ability in opposition to his.

Finally this prodigy came around Grasp Foo, who obtained him
politely and supplied him tea. The Prodigy accepted with equal politeness
and defined the motive for his go to.

I’ve come to you, he mentioned in search of a code
and design evaluate of my newest venture. For it’s of surpassing
complexity, and I should not have friends able to understanding it. Solely
an acknowledged grasp corresponding to your self (and right here the Prodigy bowed
deeply) can have the discernment required.

Grasp Foo bowed politely in return and commenced inspecting the
Prodigy’s code. After a while he raised his eyes from the display screen.
This code is at first sight very spectacular, he
mentioned. It’s elegant in design, using unique algorithms of
nice ingenuity, and seems to be applied in a craftsmanlike approach
which minimizes the potential for errors.

The Prodigy regarded very happy at this reward, however Grasp Foo
continued: Nonetheless, I detect one important flaw.

Flaw? the Prodigy mentioned. What

This code is tough to learn, mentioned Grasp
Foo. It’s only thinly commented, its invariants will not be
specified, and I see no narrative description of its structure or
inside information constructions anyplace. These issues will critically
impede your cooperation with different programmers.

The Prodigy drew himself up haughtily. I don’t search the
cooperation of different programmers,
he mentioned. Each
time I
thought I had discovered one who may match me in ability I’ve been
upset. Thus, I work alone.

However even the hacker who works alone, mentioned Grasp
Foo, collaborates with others, and should continually talk
clearly to them, lest his work develop into confused and misplaced.

Of what others do you communicate? the Prodigy demanded.

Grasp Foo mentioned: All of your future selves.

Upon listening to this, the Prodigy was enlightened.

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