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Why Toronto’s new grads are fleeing the town

Why Toronto’s new grads are fleeing the town

2023-10-08 15:44:51

Toronto is the one metropolis Aidan Thompson has ever identified. And shortly he’ll be pressured to go away.

As a third-year College of Toronto pupil finding out worldwide relations, Thompson is beginning to consider his future and what it can appear to be after post-secondary schooling. He’s come to appreciate beginning his profession in Toronto isn’t viable — it’s simply too costly.


College of Toronto pupil Aidan Thompson grew up in Toronto however he does not see himself staying after graduating because of the metropolis’s affordability disaster.

Toronto’s affordability disaster is taking a toll

By the numbers

$3 billion

The yearly misplaced financial output brought on by the exodus of all employees from the GTA to different areas of the province.


The report variety of new residents transferring to the Maritime provinces from the remainder of Canada in 2022.


The proportion of individuals leaving Ontario for different provinces who had resided in cities.


The quantity of people that left the Toronto census metropolitan space for different components of Ontario in 2022.


The quantity of people that left Toronto for different components of Canada in 2022.

Supply: Toronto Area Board of Commerce/Convention Board of Canada/RBC

Younger professionals transferring farther away

What can Toronto do to retain expertise?

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